The Crucified Thief

The Crucified Thief
            I am a crucified thief,
            Dying for my unnumbered sins;
            Beside me dies the ‘sinful’ God
            Who takes away the sin of the world.

            His fingers freeze from cold,
            His eyes are dark with desert dust,
            His throat is coarse from thirst
            He suffers thus for me and you.

            I am a crucified thief,
            Stealing away the love of God,
            I am crucified with Christ
            To be with Him Paradise.

            The sun above for fear hides,
            The earth beneath in pain shakes,
            And buried soul’s awake to weep,
            While angels bow and wink in tears.

            Alone I stole, I stole
            But here with Christ I die
            He dies for crucified thieves,
            And steals their sins away.
                                                            By John Mbiti.


a)         What is the poem about?                                                        
b)         Describe the attitude of the persona towards the ‘sinful’ God.                      
c)         Why does the poet write the word ‘sinful’ in quotation marks?                     
d)         Identify and illustrate two stylistic devices evident in the poem.                   
e)         Give the contrast between the crucified thief and the ‘sinful’ God.                
f)         In note form, identify and illustrate the different reactions to the death of Christ.
g)         I am a crucified thief. (Add a question tag).                                       
h)         Give one word to explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the poem.   
i)         unnumbered.
ii)        paradise.
iii)       buried souls awake.


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